
Tessellate bundler is a web service that compiles abstract JSON definitions of nested React components into universal JavaScript bundles. This is accomplished by generating code which is then executed inside a webpack sandbox.


The REST API of tessellate-bundler has only one endpoint and method to create new bundles.

POST /bundles/{domain}/{name}


  • domain – target domain of the bundle, e.g. zalando.de
  • name – target name of the bundle, e.g. my-page
  • body – application/json (see Tessellate JSON)


  • 201 created – a new bundle was compiled
  • 400 bad request – illegal request payload

Tessellate JSON

tessellate-bundler creates universal JavaScript bundles which can be rendered by React on both the server- and client-side. In order to create such a bundle, the web service requires an abstract description of the recursively nested hierarchy of React components and their properties. Each element in the hierarchy has three attributes: type, props and children. These attributes correspond exactly to the arguments of the React.createElement() function. Here's an example of a simple component hierarchy:

type: div
props: null
- type: h1
  props: null
  - Hello, World!
- type: a
    href: https://tech.zalando.com
  - Zalando Technology
  <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
  <a href="https://tech.zalando.com">Zalando Technology</a>
  React.createElement('h1', null),
    { href: 'https://tech.zalando.com' },
    'Zalando Technology'

type: string

The type of element. It can either be the name of a standard HTML element (div, span, etc.) or the name of a React component type that can be required in the Node execution context of the tessellate-bundler process. In the second case tessellate-bundler is going to generate code with ES2015 module import syntax from the given type. The following schema applies:


  • node-module-name must be the name of an installed node module.
  • component-name must be the name of an exported member in the node module or default.

As a result the following two kinds of import statements can be generated a type string:

  • import { component-name } from 'node-module-name'
  • import nodeModuleName from 'node-module-name' if type is [node-module-name].default


type import React
'div' none React.createElement('div')
'my-lib.link' import { link } from 'my-lib' React.createElement(link)
'my-lib.default' import MyLib from 'my-lib' React.createElement(MyLib)

props: object | null

Properties for a React component. These properties are going to be inlined into the compiled JavaScript bundle as JSON and are applied to each respective component upon rendering. However because tessellate-fragment can load and inject properties at render time, it may not be necessary or desired to define all properties in Tessellate JSON.

children: Array<TessellateElement | string>

A list of child components which can either be other Tessellate elements or literal strings.

Tessellate JSON schema

Tessellate JSON is also defined in terms of a simple, recursive schema. The schema is strict, meaning that all properties are required but they have alternative "empty" values. props may be null and children may be an empty array.

type: object
    type: string
    pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-\\.]+$"
    - type: object
    - type: 'null'
    type: array
      - "$ref": "#"
      - type: string
- type
- props
- children

Tessellate bundles

tessellate-bundler compiles Tessellate JSON into JavaScript bundles which can be rendered with React in both the browser and on the server. The bundle implements the Mosaic specification for Fragment JavaScript which is "an AMD module, that exports an init function, that will be called with DOM element of the fragment as an argument". In fact, tessellate-bundler creates a UMD (universal module definition) module which exports a function that mounts a hierarchy of React components on the given DOM element.

export default function render(element)

  • element: HTMLElement – DOM node of the fragment.
  • returns void

This function simply calls ReactDOM.render() to render the React component hierarchy on the given DOM node with the inlined properties that are defined in Tessellate JSON and any additional properties injected by tessellate-fragment.

export class Fragment extends React.Component

The root component of the hierarchy declared in Tessellate JSON. Any properties applied to this component are injected into the data-props attribute of the root node in this component. This mechanism is necessary to add additional properties to the component hierarchy at render time in tessellate-fragment.

Further information

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